Dive Today
- Dive without a PADI certification
- Dive training, plus two additional dives
- Explore underwater mountain gardens and up to 36 feet below sea level
- Location : Coco, Tamarindo and Flamingo Bay
- Minimum age : 10 years old
- What is included : Price includes snorkel instruction, all gear, introductory dive training and two adventure offshore dives
Jump off the dive boat, start descending. Breath!!! inhale… exhale … in, out, in until peacefulness kicks in and your eyes unfold a dazzling world different than you’ve ever seen before.
read more closeOn dives off the coast of Coco, Tamarindo and Flamingo-Potrero bays, you'll see volcanic rock underwater sculpted mountains, mottled with algae, dotted with shark caves, dashed with a few corals here and there, and restful sandy bottoms.
Within these underwater mountains live hundreds of species of fish, crustaceans, urchins; schools of Pacific Giant manta, butterfly, devil, and spotted eagles; bullseye, bat, mobley, and sting rays; schools of pufferfish, parrotfish, jacks, milkfish, imperor angel fish; whitetip, nurse and bull sharks and much more.
The Discover Scuba Diving (DSD) Tour
The Discover Scuba Diving Initiation Course is for you if you just want to experience scuba diving or just trying to squeeze scuba diving in your vacation.
The DSD will teach you the basics so that you can dive in shallow waters with PADI Professionals in the Tamarindo, Flamingo, Potrero or Coco Bay in Guanacaste. You can experience this tour either in one or two days at your own discretion.
Day 1: Master Basic Concepts and Scuba Skills in a Swimming Pool
You will receive instruction for your introductory dive in a pool or pool-like environment from a professional PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor.
The day before your offshore dives we will meet you at the dive shop. We will check you in completing a medical questionnaire and waiver while we select and fit the right equipment for you. Then, head to a local hotel pool nearby to start your training.
We will get your gear on & have you get in the water. We begin with basic snorkeling instruction, practice and drills. Then each person in your group will go in the water with the instructor for one-on-one training that will encompass mask flooding and clearing, regulator removal and replacement, hand signals for underwater communication, and basic information on scuba gear.
After a short and easy quiz, just to make sure you were listening and understood everything, we will end the lesson and meet you the following day at the dive shop.
Day 2: Put Everything into Practice on the Open Waters
Once you have learned the in-water skills, you will be ready for your discovery dive at two different offshore sites. We will meet again at the dive shop, split into groups, assign your PADI instructor guide and walk or drive to the beach where a small dinghy will take you to the boat.
Depending on weather conditions, visibility and currents, we will choose the most optimal sites for the day to dive. In small groups of no more than four people, you will start descending with your PADI instructor. He or she will escort you under the sea and point out sea life while monitoring your depth, air supply, buoyancy, and comfort level at all times. The maximum depth on these dives is 40 feet (12 meters), with many sites averaging in the 20 to 25 foot (5 to 6 meters) range.
Note: The boat offers covered area, shore communication system, oxygen and a first aid kit. Refreshments and fresh fruit are served on board during surface intervals between the dives.
Dive Today in Pictures
diving catalina islands - Costa Rica